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 オンラインでは読めなかった。どうやら、"Ausutralian Science"とは一般向けサイエンス誌の類であるらしい。つまり記事であって論文ではない*1
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Dr Boulter said the recent Czech Republic research was not conclusive, but was backed up by animal studies that found infection also changes the behaviour of mice.
The mice were more likely to take risks that increased their chance of being eaten by cats, which would allow the parasite to continue its life cycle.
Rodents treated with drugs that killed the parasites reversed their behaviour, Dr Boulter said.


Another study showed people who were infected but not showing symptoms were 2.7 times more likely than uninfected people to be involved in a car accident as a driver or pedestrian, while other research has linked the parasite to higher incidences of schizophrenia.

 ここで挙がっている論文のサマリーをリファレンス経由で読んでみたいんだが、このままだと分からない。そこで、Home - PubMed - NCBI*2で、元記事を書いたNicky Boulterの論文を調べたら、出てこなかった。若手の研究者なのか??
 次に、ヒトに絞って"toxoplasma accident" "toxoplasma schizophrenia" "toxoplasma IQ"で調べてみたら、それっぽいのを見つけた。


